Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962) is the debut comic book of Spider-Man, published by Marvel Comics. The story, written by Stan Lee and illustrated by Steve Ditko, introduces Peter Parker, a shy and awkward teenager living in New York City. After being bitten by a radioactive spider during a school field trip, Peter gains the proportionate strength, agility, and abilities of a spider, including the ability to cling to walls and sense danger with his “spider-sense.”
Initially, Peter uses his new powers selfishly, appearing in a wrestling match to make money. However, after allowing a burglar to escape, who later goes on to kill his Uncle Ben, Peter learns a painful lesson about responsibility. The death of his beloved uncle motivates him to adopt the mantle of Spider-Man, vowing to fight crime and use his powers for good.
The comic concludes with Peter embracing his new role as a hero, but also acknowledging the personal sacrifices and hardships that come with it. The story sets the stage for Spider-Man’s long journey as a superhero, balancing his responsibilities with his personal life.
Amazing Fantasy #15 marks the beginning of one of the most iconic superhero stories in comic book history, introducing a flawed, relatable hero who would go on to become a global cultural icon.